The British Benevolent Fund is a Spain-wide charity that provides financial support for those who have nowhere else to turn to for help.
The Charity Of Last Resort
As our name implies we are a benevolent fund whose activity is to provide financial support to British citizens and their families in need in Spain.
The aim of the British Benevolent Fund (BBF) is to provide financial help to British citizens in distress without any other recourse, whether they be residents or visiting.
The BBF is one of the oldest English-Speaking charities in the country with records going back over century.
We are a fully registered association with an independent committee drawn from the British community in Spain.
We work closely with the British Consulates as well as charity partners across Spain and are honoured to have the Sir Alex Ellis, HM Ambassador as our honorary patron.
Our committee consists of volunteers who give their time, experience and professional knowledge to raise manage and use funds for the betterment of all in our community.
All members of our committee contribute financially to the fund and receive no remuneration.

If you need financial assistance we will work with you to find a solution - you can mail us at casesupport@britishbenevolentfund.org or apply through your local British consulate or partner charities.

All donations make a difference in someone's life. We, like you, do not have a magic wand but we do have experience, understanding, and patience to help build a bridge over troubled water. Your donation could help someone deal with a life-changing event such as bereavement or repatriation.

If you would like to support our work and make a donation to the fund you can do so by bank transfer or by credit card. All donations go torwards funding our cases and no renumeraton is paid to any officer of the fund nor do we keep offices and keep our expenditure to the minimum for the good running of the fund.